Emergency services and healthcare helplines
Learn who to contact in emergency situations or for urgent healthcare matters in the Amsterdam Area. It's also good to know how to contact the police for non-emergency services.
What should I do in an emergency situation in the Netherlands?
- Call 112: In life-threatening situations, call the emergency helpline by dialing 112. An ambulance, fire department or police will be dispatched to help you.
- If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can call a text equivalent via 0800 8112.
- 112 is a Europe-wide emergency helpline, equivalent of 911 in the United States or 999 in the United Kingdom.
- As well as Dutch, operators speak English and may also be able to offer services in French or German.
Should I go straight to a hospital if there is a healthcare emergency?
- The accident and emergency (spoedeisende hulp or more commonly A&E) department of a hospital is meant for life-threatening situations requiring immediate specialist medical treatment.
- In all non-life threatening situations, first contact your GP or the after-hours surgery (huisartsenpost). They will determine if you need treatment in A&E and inform you which location to visit.
- Please note: attending the A&E department for treatment will usually lead to having to pay out of the deductible (eigen risico) from the health insurance. Treatment from your GP and after-hours surgery is free.
- Bring identification and your health insurance pass if possible when attending the A&E department.
How can I get medical help or advice outside of opening hours?
- The GP after-hours surgery (huisartsenpost) is for emergencies, which you would normally ring your GP for during surgery hours. Examples might include, for instance, tightness of the chest, severe abdominal pain, a very sick child or an accident in the home. GP after-hours surgeries are run by normal doctors who take turns working night shifts, on weekends and during public holidays.
- You will initially be assessed by phone. If necessary, a GP will visit your home for further examination. If the condition is serious, the GP will arrange an ambulance.
- Only the 112 emergency line or a GP can call an ambulance for you.
Where can I find out more about coronavirus (Covid-19) and its impact in the Amsterdam Area?
- Follow updates on our coronavirus page, which includes links to the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the City of Amsterdam.
How can I contact the police in the Netherlands?
- In emergency situations always call 112.
- For non-emergencies, call 0900 8844.
- If you are deaf or hard of hearing, for non-emergencies you can call a text equivalent via 0900 1844.
- There is also an anonymous tip-line to report crimes via 0800 7000.
- Learn more about contacting the police in the Netherlands.
How can I visit emergency dental services in the Amsterdam Area?
- If you are registered with a dental practice in the Amsterdam Area, please first contact them. Even outside of office hours, they may work with partner organisations to provide 24-hour services.
- For emergency dental help in Amsterdam and surrounding cities (including Haarlem), call 085 105 0757
- For emergency dental help in the provinces of Noord-Holland and Flevoland, check the emergency helplines on tandarts.nl.