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Image from Proeflokaal Arendsnest

Best craft beer bars in Amsterdam

Covering everything from creative young local breweries to established tasting houses and well-stocked craft beer bars, Amsterdam's craft and speciality beer game is strong. Here are our tip hops-y highlights from Amsterdam's heady beer scene plus an extra pit stop in Haarlem.

Steven Strijbosch

Editor-in-chief Iamsterdam. Forever on the lookout for what’s next on your plate (and in your glass)—from brown bars to fine dining spots.

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In de Wildeman

Housed in a former distillery that dates from 1690, this authentic venue has retained its olde worlde charm and now operates as one of Amsterdam’s best beer bars, with more than 200 bottled beers and around 18 on tap. The selection changes regularly, focusing on Belgian Trappist ales and local Dutch breweries. Don’t miss the amusing ‘wildeman’ gable stone at the building’s rear on Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 45, from which the bar took its name. 

Bierproeflokaal In de Wildeman | Kolksteeg 3, Centrum

Brouwerij Homeland

People sitting on the terrace of Pension Homeland at the Marineterrein
Image from Pension Homeland

Part of Pension Homeland, a hotel and restaurant, this brewery has become a hub of additive-free, honest beer. Homeland has a large waterfront deck with a lovely view over the Eastern Docklands, near to the historic Marine Harbour and the National Maritime Museum. The brewery is just a couple of years old but already has a couple of favourites under its belt, like the Katzwijm IPA or the Kielzog Tripel. Ahoy!

Brouwerij Homeland | Kattenburgerstraat 5 (Gebouw 6), Oostelijke Eilanden

Brouwerij Troost

Brouwerij Troost glass of beer
Image from Brouwerij Troost

Now, with three locations in Amsterdam, Brouwerij Troost has proven to be a popular haunt for beer-loving folk in Amsterdam. Quickly exceeding capacity at their first location in a former monastery in De Pijp, Troost opened a second location at a hip parkside hangout in the Westergas and a third in Oud West where everything they make can be sampled. Whether it’s a refreshing New England IPA, a replenishing jenever or a homemade lemonade you’re after, you’ll find it at Troost. Want to know more about brewing? Why not take a guided tour to see where the brewing magic takes place and sample a few, too? Compliment your hop-infused palette with tasty comfort food, including flamkuchen and burgers.

Brouwerij Troost | various locations

Proeflokaal Arendsnest

Proeflokaal Arendsnest beer café people having a drink
Image from Proeflokaal Arendsnest

This traditional Dutch pub on the Herengracht is the place to get acquainted with home-brewed tipples. Serving only Dutch beers from more than 50 breweries in the Netherlands, plus more than 100 bottled beers, the pub is the ideal place to learn all about local brew. If you wish to taste your way around the Netherlands in one sitting, then the basement proeflokaal (tasting room) is the perfect place. It regularly hosts beer-tasting events for groups.

Proeflokaal Arendsnest | Herengracht 90, Centrum

Brouwerij Kleiburg

Customers at Brouwerij Kleiburg brewery during 24H Zuidoost 2017
Image from Irina Raiu

At Kleiburg Brewery, a project of the Kleiklooster, a small living community in Zuidoost, you can taste some of the best beer in the Bijlmer: Porter Saison, Tripel IPA or Quadruple Poorter, for starters. The brewery doesn’t just make beer for the fun of it – it’s a social enterprise in which a portion of the profits go directly back into the monastery’s activities for the good of the people.

Brouwerij Kleiburg | Hullenbergweg 6, Zuidoost

Brouwerij ‘t IJ

Brouwerij 't IJ brewery terrace garden with windmill
Image from Koen Smilde

Perhaps Amsterdam’s most famous independent brewery due to its iconic location underneath the city’s tallest windmill, Brouwerij ‘t IJ is an essential stop-off on any beer tour of the Dutch capital. You’ll see Brouwerij ‘t IJ beers served in any self-respecting pub in Amsterdam (Zatte and Natte being the staple triple and double flagship brews), but the best place to try them is at the brewery itself. In the summer a large terrace spills beery folk outdoors, while the inside exudes rustic cosiness, with private tasting sessions and tours on offer for those who wish to develop their beer knowledge further.

Brouwerij 't IJ | Funenkade 7, Oost 

Waterfront Amsterdam

Delirium Café / Waterfront Amsterdam terrace with water view at night
Image from Delirium Café / Waterfront Amsterdam

Formerly known as Delirium Cafe, this pink elephant outpost offers the perfect spot to sample a range of beers from the Belgian Huyghe brewery and more than 720 varieties from around the world. The large bar and restaurant is tucked away under an overpass on the waterfront, with a long terrace enjoying optimal views and summer vibes whilst being sheltered from the elements in colder months.  A large restaurant also offers tasty food to soak up all that beer.

Delirium Cafe | Centrum

Oedipus Brewery Taproom

Oedipus Taproom people having a drink
Image from Oedipus Taproom

Started up by four friends with a shared soft spot for beer, this colourful craft brewery based in Amsterdam Noord now produces a creative ‘complex’ of beers ranging from the easy-drinking ‘Mama’ pale ale to Thai-spiced Tripels and the aptly named 10,5% proof ‘Kinderyoga’. You’ll see their colourfully bottled brews in many speciality beer bars in Amsterdam, or for the whole Oedipus experience, head straight to their recently opened taproom to sample a range of Oedibrew on tap.

Oedipus Brewery Taproom | Schaafstraat 21, Noord 

Brouwerij De Prael

De Prael brewery tasting room
Image from Jurre Rompa

It’s all about history for De Prael, a brewery that sits smack bang in the middle of one of the city’s oldest areas. De Prael’s brewing process takes a step back in time - selecting and grinding their own grains and malts without any filtering or pasteurizing. With three locations in Amsterdam and a menu that’ll have you coming back for more, this is one hop stop you won’t want to miss. If that hasn’t whet your appetite, maybe a guided brewery tour followed by a boat tour sampling their brews will seal the deal. 

Brouwerij De Prael | Oudezijds Armsteeg 26, Centrum


Beer Temple beer café interior
Image from Beer Temple

A beacon of Amsterdam’s speciality beer brigade since 2009, this inner city pub attracts beer-loving visitors from far and wide to worship at its taps. There are around 30 beers on draft and over 100 bottled varieties, with a strong focus on American craft beers and ales sourced from US microbreweries. That said, the bar’s Dutch-brewed house beer Tembelbier is worth a try if you’re looking for more local flavour from your hops.

BeerTemple | Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 250, Centrum

Poesiat & Kater

Poesiat & Kater brewers at the brewery
Image from amsterdam&partners

Get a taste of history at Poesiat & Kater, a brewery located in a historic location in Amsterdam-Oost with a tasting room that’s just as charming. Brewer Julián Álvarez Zárate, a ‘yeast specialist’, is the brains behind the brewery and creates not only Poesiat & Kater speciality beers but the resurrected legendary Van Vollenhoven beer, both of which you can enjoy alongside brunch, lunch or dinner.

Poesiat & Kater | Polderweg 648, Oost

De Bierfabriek

De Bierfabriek table with draft beer
Image from De Bierfabriek

It’s a brewery and a restaurant, but neither outshines the other: De Bierfabriek is not only known for its world-class, house-brewed beer but also its hearty dishes, such as slow-roasted chicken from a charcoal barbecue. De Bierfabriek feels less like a brewery and more like a friend’s living room, though the self-serve tap tables are a sign you’re somewhere special.

De Bierfabriek | Nes 67, Centrum

Brouwerij de 7 Deugden

24H Nieuw-West - Molen van Sloten, Brouwerij De 7 Deugden
Image from Amie Galbraith

This brewery, whose name translates to the ‘seven virtues’ and employs those who have trouble finding work, doesn’t brew just any old beer. Using a mix of herbs and spices, the brewery offers up specialities such as Ruw+Bolster, which features a hint of lime; Scheeps+Recht, whose spicy-sweet flavour comes from cloves; or Stout-Moedig, which gets a kick from coffee beans. Tastings and tours are by request only, so don’t miss out on this unique experience.

Brouwerij de 7 Deugden | Akersluis 8D, West

Two Chefs Food Bar

Two Chefs people enjoying beers & food
Image from Meesterwerk

The largest microbrewery in Amsterdam may sound like a misnomer, but it’s true: this undertaking from Two Chefs was founded in 2012 to stock up on ‘funky’ beers they couldn’t find elsewhere, and it quickly grew. In 2020, the Two Chefs found the perfect spot for their first proeflokaal. They settled in West to create a colourful brew universe with beers from tap like Fizzy Frog (Brut IPA), Holy Gunter (Lager) and Funky Falcon (Pale Ale), all paired with a great selection of food.

Two Chefs Food Bar | Hugo de Grootplein, Westerpark

Steven Strijbosch

Editor-in-chief Iamsterdam. Forever on the lookout for what’s next on your plate (and in your glass)—from brown bars to fine dining spots.

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