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Yogaconcert | live music, poetry & yin yoga with Binkie

Live improvised music and a yin yoga class intertwine around mystical poetry for a deep journey inside. The magic of the yoga concerts boards at the Jungle in the autumn. This Saturday morning, Binkie will bring her shamanistic sound bath to the mat, André Meeusen is guiding the yin yoga, designed around a poem.

Yogaconcert | live music, poetry & yin yoga with Binkie

Sat 19 Oct11:00 - 12:30
Tweede van Swindenstraat 26
1093 VS Amsterdam

Soft power

Living from your heart, that’s what life is about for Binkie. To give voice to that, she has a range of instruments at her disposal, playing crystal harp, hang, harmonica, guitar, flutes and drums. Her shamanistic circles, sound journeys, and silence days have a soft power in common. A yoga concert with Binkie is an inside massage, with a strong grounding and aligned with everybody present, giving exactly what is asked in the moment.

About yoga concert

The calm, meditative but intense postures of yin yoga allow to sink deeper into consciousness, beyond the patterns of the mind. On the yogamat, physical sensations weave together with musical improvisations. The mind becomes quieter, opening space to meet the music and poetry in the heart. In this way, the live improvised music, yoga postures, and mystical poetry intertwine, affect, and strengthen each other into a new experience.

Practical info

Venue opens at 10:45 am. Bring your mat if possible, warm clothes, and a water bottle and props if you want. There is a limited amount of mats available and a blanket for everyone. The class and poetry will be bilingual.

Yogaconcert | live music, poetry & yin yoga with Binkie

Sat 19 Oct11:00 - 12:30
Tweede van Swindenstraat 26
1093 VS Amsterdam