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The Upside Down Amsterdam

Everyone, young and old, will find their inspiration when they step out of their current reality, into a new fantasy world that we call The Upside Down Amsterdam. With our mind bending world we want to inspire you to create, to do things you’ve never dreamt about and to have fun. You can interact with our rooms and decors, you can touch everything and you can go all out.

The world upside down

Everyone, young and old, will find their inspiration when they step out of their current reality, into a new fantasy world that we call The Upside Down Amsterdam. With our mind bending world we want to inspire you to create, to do things you’ve never dreamt about and to have fun. You can interact with our rooms and decors, you can touch everything and you can go all out.

The Upside Down Amsterdam envisions to tell you about our typical contemporary Dutch culture in a fun way. As tourists usually only get to the see the traditional stuff like mills, clogs and tulips --booooring! ;-) -- we wanted to do it differently. We want to show you the New Dutch: all the things we are proud of like diversity and inclusion, the amazing dance music scene coming from Amsterdam or our abnormal preference for chocolate and sweets. Discover everything you never knew when you swing by in our venue!

Last but not least, The Upside Down Amsterdam is a social conscious enterprise, as our playground is also a reminder that the ���Right to Play�� is for everyone and that we shouldn’t forget underprivileged kids. That’s why we actively support Stichting Het Vergeten Kind (Forgotten Children). We open our venue to kids that might not have the means or the opportunity thanks to their personal situation.

Book a timeslot

So book your timeslot and come visit us and we are sure you will experience something you’ve never experienced before!