Conscious shopping Noord
Conscious shopping Noord route map

Roetz Bikes

Circular bicycles from an inclusive workplace
Roetz believes in second chances – both for bikes and people. This social enterprise creates new, modern (electric) bicycles from discarded bike frames. And in the Fair Factory, people who have struggled with finding employment train to become experienced bicycle mechanics with better prospects for a permanent job.
Roetz Bikes | Schaafstraat 17

Creative breeding ground and neighbourhood meeting place
Various social entrepreneurs and creatives work at the Modestraat. For instance, Bakkie Noord serves affordable coffee and lunch, while Wisselboutique is the place for swapping clothes. Check the agenda for a wide range of exhibitions, workshops, live music or dinners by local chefs.
Modestraat | Buikslotermeerplein 15
De VerbroederIJ

A cosy beach pavilion created by locals
The VerbroederIJ is a city beach with a pavilion, a community vegetable garden and a place where people from the neighbourhood can come together. It is an initiative devised and realised together with the local community. So go and have lunch or dinner, help in the garden, join the community meals or relax by the fireplace or on the terrace.
De VerbroederIJ | Johan van Hasseltweg 21
Café De Ceuvel

Vegan eatery on a sustainable hotspot
From lunch to dinner and drinks, the menu includes inspiring plant-based dishes with sustainably sourced ingredients. The cafe is part of De Ceuvel, a unique experiment where urban planners, sustainable and social entrepreneurs, and creatives work on positively impacting people and the planet.
De Ceuvel | Korte Papaverweg 4
Rookie de Recyclekid

Bring in and buy preloved children's clothing and accessories
This store wants to contribute to a more sustainable future by selling second-hand, good-quality kids' clothing from beautiful brands. Want to get a nice discount? Bring in your preloved clothes, shoes and books. Rookie also offers colourful gifts and children's books in its two Noord locations/
Rookie de Recyclekid | Van der Pekstraat 101 and Purmerplein 20A
De Woensdagwinkel

Second-hand clothes for everyone
Adults and children can visit this store on Wednesdays to browse a wide selection of fabulous vintage and preloved clothing at affordable prices. €1 of every item sold goes to charity.
De Woensdagwinkel | Schaafstraat 21
NoordOogst + Pof

An urban agriculture project and a unique restaurant
This project combines agriculture, catering, sustainable business, markets and vegetable gardens, where residents, volunteers and people at a distance from the labour market work together. Come watch, join in or follow a workshop. At NoordOogst you can also find Pof, a restaurant that cooks in a specially designed oven at high temperatures without adding water or oil. The menu is mainly vegetarian, but you can also enjoy vegan and non-industrial meat dishes.
NoordOogst + Pof | Meteorenweg 272-280
Zorgboerderij Ons Verlangen

An organic daycare farm with a vending machine
Find this organic dairy farm with horses, chickens, goats, rabbits and pigs in the peat meadows at the edge of Amsterdam. The farm also has a daycare project for about 60 people who help out on the farm. These are people with a physical or mental disability, psychological problems or at a distance from the labour market. Support the farm's social mission by purchasing dairy, fair trade meat products, homemade jam, onions and potatoes at the vending machine at Liergouw 68.
Zorgboerderij Ons Verlangen | Broekergouw 8B
Kringloop De Lokatie

Environmentally conscious and affordable shopping
Dig for treasures at De Lokatie, a recycling company with two stores in Noord. Find anything and everything you can think about, including clothing, art, pottery and tableware. The stores are also workplaces for people facing difficulties in finding permanent employment. Here they help unload and sort items, for instance, but also learn how to repair, display and sell.
De Lokatie | Distelweg 85 and Buikslotermeerplein 6