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AWS & JetBrains Founders Circle: Unlock Hyperscale Success Through Culture & Capital

This exclusive gathering offers an unparalleled opportunity for startup founders to gain invaluable insights into two critical elements that drive successful scaling: Culture and Capital.

AWS & JetBrains Founders Circle: Unlock Hyperscale Success Through Culture & Capital

Thu 5 Sep16:00 - 20:00
JetBrains Terrace Tower Amsterdam
Gelrestraat 16
1079 MZ Amsterdam

Register now and join us for "AWS & JetBrains Founders Circle: Unlock Hyperscale Success Through Culture & Capital" event. The focus of the event will be on the two important factors when scaling you startup: Culture and Capital.

Pieter Kemps (Partner at Peak XV / Sequoia Capital) will share his expertise on securing the necessary capital to fuel your startup's ambitions, providing strategies and best practices for attracting investors and maximizing financial resources – the lifeblood of any thriving venture.

Miguel Palomares (Head of AWS for Software Companies in Benelux) will delve into the crucial role of culture in fostering a thriving and innovative environment. Amazon has a peculiar approach to innovation that is intrinsically linked to the use technology and the organization of teams.

Roman Belov (Innovation Hub Lead at JetBrains) shares his insights on the critical intersection of innovation, cutting-edge technology, and the strategic growth of startups. He'll explore how leveraging emerging technologies can give startups a competitive edge and pave the way for sustainable growth.

Don't miss this chance to unlock the keys to hyperscale success and elevate your startup to new heights.

After the informative sessions, attendees can enjoy refreshments, snacks, and an exclusive networking opportunity to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and industry leaders

AWS & JetBrains Founders Circle: Unlock Hyperscale Success Through Culture & Capital

Thu 5 Sep16:00 - 20:00
JetBrains Terrace Tower Amsterdam
Gelrestraat 16
1079 MZ Amsterdam