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Do business in the Amsterdam Area
Discover Amsterdam
Meetings and Conventions
Live, Work and Study
Solar panels seen from above
Image from Anders J via Unsplash

About renewable energy and cleantech in Amsterdam

With 60% of the Netherlands below sea level and global temperatures at 1°C warmer than pre-industrial times, the climate crisis poses a substantial, urgent challenge here and abroad. The Amsterdam Area’s growing renewable energy and cleantech sectors provide opportunities for companies to make a significant impact.

Amsterdam is a renewable energy hub

The Netherlands is lauded for its transition readiness, infrastructure, business environment, and political commitment when it comes to the energy transition. Yet, there is still a long way to go to meet the nation’s 2050 net-zero goal. For innovative companies looking to make a powerful difference in the future of energy, there are amazing opportunities in the Amsterdam Area. 

Ships cargo containers in the Port of Amsterdam.
Image from Ed van de Pol

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is one of the busiest airports in Europe and the Port of Amsterdam is a market leader in coal, oil and kerosene. Both of these hubs have clear ambitions to be better ports, powered by cutting edge investments in decarbonised and energy efficient aviation, renewable fuels for shipping and far-reaching (offshore) wind energy and infrastructure strategies to accommodate large scale imports and uses of energy vectors.

Key players in the area

There is a lot of knowledge here already: not only is the Amsterdam Area home to many national and international companies such as Schneider Electric, Vattenfall, and Vandebron but also to the EU office of the Carbon Trust. Political ambitions back up opportunities with key schemes such as the national FiT/CfD scheme SDE++, and significant tax breaks for investments in energy, climate and resource efficiency. 

renewable energy
Image from Tom Swinnen

Next to that, the Amsterdam Area is an attractive place for international talent. Approximately 150,000 people work in the energy sector in the Netherlands, and 90% of the Dutch population speak English.

Inspiring innovations for the future

As an already booming startup and scaleup hub, the Amsterdam Area has a high density of connected entrepreneurs, innovators, universities and businesses rolling out smart solutions to continuously improve our environment. Amsterdam Science ParkImpact Hub, and SDG House are a few of the concentrated areas in the region where expertise and innovation spark viable climate solutions. Collaboration is key to the Dutch way of doing business - with successful examples as The Great Bubble Barrier, Fastned and Land Life Company making an impact worldwide. 

Image from Courtesy of The Great Bubble Barrier

Setting up in Amsterdam

Are you searching for a location for your European office or do you want to know more about your potential market in the Amsterdam Area? As the region’s official foreign investment agency, amsterdam inbusiness can help international businesses enjoy a soft landing in the Amsterdam Area, including arranging fact-finding visits and providing market intelligence.
Get in touch with a member of the team.