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Meetings and Conventions
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Meetings and Conventions
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Food & agritech

Amsterdam has earned a reputation as a global hub for innovation, especially within the agri-tech sector. Its collaborative ecosystem of startups, research institutions, and international businesses make the city an ideal destination for conferences focused on the future of food. Spanning high-tech vertical farming solutions to protein transition pioneers, Amsterdam serves as a nexus where a range of agritech innovations are ready to collaborate with international conferences to change our food systems for good.

Amsterdam Convention Bureau
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A hotbed for food innovation

Semi-automatic spraying robot in a Dutch greenhouse specialized in the cultivation of chrysanthemum cut flowers.
Image from Ruud Morijn

Known as an established agricultural hub, the Netherlands boasts an active agri-tech landscape teeming with over 500 food startups, many of which have laid their roots in Amsterdam. In recent years, the Amsterdam Area has emerged as a leader in future-proofing global food systems, pioneering solutions in alternative proteins, AI-driven farming and lab-grown meat alternatives. 

Alongside the city’s active startup community, Amsterdam itself is deeply engaged in fostering a sustainable food culture. In 2024, Amsterdam became the first EU capital city to sign the Plant Based Treaty, joining cities like Los Angeles and Edinburgh to address food production in the battle against the climate crisis. In addition, the city itself is encouraging residents to convert to a plant-based diet, with a target of 60% of residents eating a plant based diet by 2030. 

Home to the world’s first plant-based conference and numerous food innovators like De Niewe Keuken, Growy, Wilicroft and Seamore – it’s a no-brainer that Amsterdam is the go-to for agritech events. 

What makes Amsterdam a great place for food focused events?

Support from the Amsterdam Convention Bureau

Plant Forward 2023 conference
Image from Plant FWD

The Amsterdam Convention Bureau (ACB) is dedicated to supporting events that drive positive change, including those focused on shaping the future of food. 

One such event is Plant FWD, which ACB has helped transform into a recurring annual conference. Plant FWD initially debuted as a sold-out one-day event in 2023, attracting over 700 global innovators to shape the protein transition. With ACB's support, Plant FWD expanded, returning in 2024 for an additional day. This growth not only reflects the success of the previous year's event but also underscores Amsterdam's emerging reputation as a leading hub for discussions on future food systems. 

Plant FWD is just one of many agritech conferences held in Amsterdam, including Greentech Amsterdam, the Animal Agtech Innovation Summit, and the Regenerative Agriculture Summit Europe. 

Amsterdam Convention Bureau
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