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These three flat buildings made in Almere called 'Rooie Donders'.
Image from Koen Smilde

New Land Cycleseeing Route: Almere's architecture and wildlife

No other landscape in the Netherlands breathes ‘20th century’ as much as New Land does, with its modern polder cities such as Almere, acting as architectural museums. Wildlife areas such as the Lepelaarplassen and Oostvaardersplassen lakes provide a beautiful natural contrast.

Cycle route highlights:


Woman cycling in Almere.
Image from Hasselblad H5D

This beautiful park named after Queen Beatrix has plenty of nooks and crannies worth exploring. Small pavilions are peppered throughout the park--they were left behind after the 1972 Floriade exhibit. Check out the medicinal herb garden De Artsenijhof and the former chapel.


A couple of spoonbills standing in the water.
Image from koen smilde

This natural reserve paths weaves past willow forests and reeds, immersing you in wildlife. The nearby lookout point is worth a stop for bird watchers as there are more than three hundred species of birds in the area.  


The eagle archway of nature reserve Oostvaardersplassen in Flevoland.
Image from koen smilde

A wetland area covered with grasslands, water and surrounded by forest. This is another gem on this cycle route, perfect for those who love nature. 50 years ago the area used to be a swamp. Now, you will encounter cattle, Konik horses and even red deer on your way.

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