International Locals Amsterdam
International Locals is a great resource about life in the Amsterdam Area. It showcases more than 100 expat-friendly events, useful services and other essential information.
Essential info and much more
International Locals Amsterdam exists to be useful to expats. It has a very busy events section to showcase a variety of things taking place in the Amsterdam Area. It also has some useful information pages, a selection of local service providers you might need at some point, and a selection of great blogs.
There is so much going on in Amsterdam that it can be hard to keep track. International Locals make it easy for you with an overview by event categories, including: Kids, Exhibitions, Theatre, Comedy, Festivals, Live Music, Cinema, Pub Quizzes and much more. They also serve up a wealth of information pages that are useful for all aspects of your expat life in Amsterdam, including: Travel, Finance, Entertainment, Healthcare and Education.