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Vrije Academie | Huis Vasari

Welcome to the Vrije Academie, a beautiful event venue in the heart of Amsterdam! This listed canal house on the Herengracht has a rich history and authentic appearance. The property was thoroughly renovated and renamed Huis Vasari in 2021. It is home to the Vrije Academie; the largest arts and cultural education organisation in the Netherlands.

Housed in a beautiful monumental building

With a large team of professional speakers, the Vrije Academie makes it possible to become acquainted with art & culture in a thorough, enjoyable way. From the head office in Amsterdam, a current, broad and original education offering is provided every day in more than fifty locations in the Netherlands.

You'll find the Vrije Academie housed in two Cromhout houses on the Herengracht in Amsterdam: Huis Vasari. A beautiful monumental building where the Vrije Academie organizes a current, broad and original educational offering throughout the Netherlands, including of course at its own location. If you want to know more about this location, go to the website (website is in Dutch) for all information.