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Dolly Bellefleur 35 years on the Barricades: Let Love Reign

On October 28, 2024, Dolly Bellefleur, alter ego of comedian, lyricist and rainbow activist Ruud Douma, will be on stage and on the barricades for 35 years. In her own unique way, Dolly has been drawing attention to human rights in general, and the acceptance of LGBT+ in particular, for 35 years.

Dolly Bellefleur 35 years on the Barricades: Let Love Reign


Sat 29 Mar11:00 - 17:00
Sun 30 Mar12:00 - 17:00
Mon 31 Mar12:00 - 17:00
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Verwey Museum Haarlem
Groot Heiligland 47
2011 EP Haarlem
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Figurehead of the LGBT+ movement

The exhibition shows how Dolly Bellefleur has worked intensively with photographers, illustrators, designers, poets, designers and visual artists over the past decades to make 'heavy' subjects such as discrimination, bullying, exclusion, diversity and inclusivity discussable in a 'light' way with a wider audience. You imagine yourself in a Wunderkammer in all the colours of the rainbow in which your attention is drawn by flamboyant costumes, photos, video clips, cartoons, objects and music. Through the personal story of Ruud Douma alias Dolly Bellefleur, you also get a special insight into 35 years of LGBT+ emancipation struggle in the Netherlands, using unique images.

Since her debut in 1989, Dolly has become a figurehead of the LGBT+ movement. For her tireless efforts for equal rights, 'Frau Antje van het Verkeerde Kantje' has received various awards, including the Andreaspenning, the Bob Angelo Penning and the Kenau Hasselaerprijs.

In addition to the exhibition, Verwey Museum Haarlem, together with Dolly Bellefleur, offers a varied public programme for young and old.

Dates and times

Saturday 29 March11:00 - 17:00
Sunday 30 March12:00 - 17:00
Monday 31 March12:00 - 17:00


Dolly Bellefleur 35 years on the Barricades: Let Love Reign


Sat 29 Mar11:00 - 17:00
Sun 30 Mar12:00 - 17:00
Mon 31 Mar12:00 - 17:00
More dates


Verwey Museum Haarlem
Groot Heiligland 47
2011 EP Haarlem
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