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Cultural Wallen Route

Interested in a day of culture in the Wallen? Join the Cultural Wallen Route on Saturday, 7 September. From 11:00 to 16:00, participants in this new initiative will open their doors for free to all in Amsterdam.

Free entrance

Cultural Wallen Route


De Waag
Nieuwmarkt 4
1012 CR Amsterdam
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Cultural Wallen Route

The Cultural Wallen Route begins at Waag Futurelab on Nieuwmarkt, where visitors can watch a live demonstration of a laser cutter creating special Culture Wallen keychains. Afterwards, participants are invited to visit Huis De Pinto, Museum Ons' Lieve Heer Op Solder, the Oude Kerk, Frascati, Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond, Museum Rembrandthuis, and W139 for tours, performances, exhibitions, workshops, concerts, or lectures.

A New Initiative

Culturele Wallen is a collective that unites and showcases art and culture in Amsterdam’s old city centre. The area regains its cultural identity by increasing visibility, pooling resources, and fostering innovative collaborations. This initiative also encourages locals to reconnect with the city's creative heart.

Free entrance

Cultural Wallen Route


De Waag
Nieuwmarkt 4
1012 CR Amsterdam
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