headless into the sea
A performance following the speculative wobbles into worlds of fluid bodies and tentacular movement
„We need another figure, a thousand names of something else, to erupt out of the Anthropocene into another, big-enough story.“
- Donna J. Haraway, Staying with the Trouble
In re:shape or headless into the sea, the audience is invited to experience the wobbles, a speculative species inspired by invertebrate marine life, as they come to life. As hybrids between humans and soft, boneless creatures, these huge, shiny wobbles inhabit spaces once created by humans.
Together, we will witness these futuristic beings temporarily take over plein theater—a space soon to be filled with ever-changing bodies, soft whispers, and deep, vibrating sounds from far, far away, live improvised by ghenwa (noiré) abou fayad. By zooming in on the delicate movements of these watery creatures, this work invites the audience to linger and immerse themselves in a world of fluid bodies, queer imaginaries, tentacular movement, hypersensitivity, and other-than-human temporalities.
Laura Boser
Laura Boser is a performer and interdisciplinary performance maker based in Amsterdam. In their work they combine approaches of visual theater, choreography and performance. Laura focuses on themes such as care, radical softness, queer ecology, and sexuality, exploring the ungraspable and in-between spaces. Their work particularly examines amorphous shapes, fluid bodies, and species living in the sea. In 2023, Laura was part of “In Pursuit of Otherwise Possibilities” (IPOP) a group of artists and researchers conducting research on queering artistic feedback.
re:shape or headless into the sea is part of the body of work dealing with the wobbles, a speculative species Laura has been working with for more than 3 years. In 2023 Laura asked Ascan to join this project.
re:shape or headless into the sea is part of the body of work dealing with the wobbles, a speculative species Laura has been working with for more than 3 years. Throughout the last years, Laura has been inviting different sound artists to encounter the wobbles in this performance.
Queering Puppets Festival Amsterdam
From March 25 to 30, the Plein Theater and Cat Smits Company present the fourth edition of the International Queering Puppets Festival Amsterdam!
Since 2022, Queering Puppets Festival Amsterdam has offered a stage to queer perspectives through groundbreaking forms of visual theater, object theater and puppetry. This quirky festival defies the norm with a motley and bold program full of exuberant, visual outburst from the Netherlands and abroad.
The theme of QPFA 2025, CREATING BODIES, challenges us to see bodies not as just given, but as something that is constantly being created, shaped and defined ��� by ourselves, by others, by systems and structures, both political and cultural.