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Warm Hearts floating sauna

Warm Hearts floating sauna is the first sauna fuelled by kindness. Instead of paying, every sauna user does an act of kindness either for the environment or to another person. The sauna events are starting in Autumn 2024. Official opening on Sunday, December 8th from 12:00-17:00.

Amsterdam 750

Warm Hearts floating sauna


Buurtwerkplaats Noorderhof
President Allendelaan 3
1064 GW Amsterdam


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Part of

Amsterdam 750

On 27 October 2025, Amsterdam will be celebrating its 750th birthday. During the 12-month lead-up to this momentous milestone, the city is going all out. The festival year kicks off on 27 October 2024, filled with various activities from small neighbourhood get-togethers to major cultural events

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Amsterdam 750

Warm Hearts floating sauna


Buurtwerkplaats Noorderhof
President Allendelaan 3
1064 GW Amsterdam


Celebrate with someone else?

Invite someone to join you!