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Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten (national academy of fine arts)

The Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten (national academy of fine arts) in Amsterdam is an institute for exceptionally talented artists from all over the world. The Rijksakademie provides 50 artists with the opportunity to research, experiment and produce new works over a two-year period.

Talented artists

The residency program offers facilities such as a private studio, working budget and access to technical workshops, library and collections. Artists receive feedback from internationally renowned artists, exhibition makers and theorists. A stay at the Rijksakademie often leads to an international breakthrough. In the Rijksakademie studios, works are created that can later be seen in galleries, museums, collections and at international events such as the Venice Biennale and Art Basel. Artists such as Mondrian and Karel Appel, and more recently Fiona Tan, Guido van der Werve and Folkert de Jong.