Eva von Redecker and the freedom to stay
Eva von Redecker – critical theorist and feminist philosopher – proposes in her recent book Bleibefreiheit, translated into Dutch as The freedom to stay (Alfabet 2024)' a radical new way to look at freedom. Rather than focusing on space, she focuses on time. Rather than talking about the freedom to move, to travel and to go wherever you want, she talks about the freedom to stay where you want to stay, for as long as you want to stay. In times of climate crises and migration this freedom is far from a given. English spoken.
Eva von Redecker and the freedom to stay
Von Redecker proposes that this shift in our understanding of freedom will help us realize a world that is not only better for nature but also better for people, because it ensures to see individuals as embedded in their natural and interpersonal environment. What does it mean for our understanding of freedom when we conceptualize it as the ‘enjoyment of fulfilled time?
Tonight we discuss this from a historical, from an environmental, from a legal and from a feminist perspective.
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Eva von Redecker and the freedom to stay
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