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An evening of undisturbed reading in a nice place, alone with the soothing pages of a good book. You often long to do it, but it isn't easy to make time. From this need, Leesliefde was born. Bring your book or e-reader, put your smartphone away and emerge yourself into the world of stories.



De Werkplek
Slijperweg 12a
1032 KV Amsterdam


Every last Tuesday of the month, readers can curl up in the Loungeloods of de Werkplek, a pleasant coworking space that is transformed into an comfortable reading environment.

What to expect from LeesLiefde?

  • Silence and focus: The evenings are designed to promote concentration and tranquility. Participants are encouraged to turn off their mobile devices and enjoy uninterrupted reading time.
  • Quiet atmosphere in a homely environment: you read in the lounge area of De Werkplek, on a comfortable sofa, a cozy armchair, with soft lighting and a selection of tea, coffee or a beer or wine to complete the experience.
  • Literary connections: you meet other book lovers and can talk about the books you have read, if you feel the need to do so.

You can always join in, just mark the date in your agenda and reserve a spot via the link. De Werkplek uses a Pay What You Like concept; you can show your appreciation for the evening by means of a donation. Leesliefde was founded by independent editor Liesbeth Vries of Redactie van Lies, in collaboration with de Werkplek, with the aim of creating a reading moment in our busy lives.



De Werkplek
Slijperweg 12a
1032 KV Amsterdam
