PHIL Haarlem
In the middle of beautiful old Haarlem, you will find a beautiful 19th century classical concert hall with multifunctional spaces. PHIL is part of Stichting Stadsschouwburg and PHIL Haarlem. PHIL Haarlem, is the concert hall of Haarlem. You can go here to enjoy an evening of classical music at Europe's best chamber music hall, but also for a pop concert. Best of all, PHIL Haarlem is here for you to enjoy a carefree evening out.
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PHIL Haarlem
PHIL Haarlem
PHIL Haarlem
PHIL Haarlem
PHIL Haarlem
Double bill: Yet Another Day in Paradise & re:shape or headless into the sea
THREESOME Wojciech Grudziński / Belluard Bollwerk, Nowy Teatr
Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond
Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond
Herdenking wereld aids dag
Verwey Museum Haarlem
Free entrance