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Straattheater StiltLife met 'EARTH'

Are you celebrating summer in Amsterdam? 'Earth' is an outdoor performance with 4 giant figures on stilts. Accompanied by music, they appear on squares and markets in Amsterdam. This time you can admire them for free in Park Frankendael.

Straattheater StiltLife met 'EARTH'


Park Frankendael
Middenweg 72
1097 BS Amsterdam
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Street theater to on the move

How do we treat our earth? How do we treat each other? Do we allow ourselves to be guided by our fear, which makes the unknown strange and scary? Or do we remain curious about each other? In Earth, the five elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether show what the intention is: to connect! 

High on their stilts, in their grand costumes, they invite the audience to get moving too. And before you know it, you're laughing and dancing together, forming a big circle of… recognition? Friendship? Love? Pleasure? An enchanting, current and positive performance about the need to continue meeting 'the other'.

Straattheater StiltLife met 'EARTH'


Park Frankendael
Middenweg 72
1097 BS Amsterdam
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