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The Analogues - Abbey Road/Let it Be

Let It Be and Abbey Road together form the majestic final chord of The Beatles, performed once more by The Analogues, in their entirety, with brass and strings and using the same instrumentation that The Beatles used at the time. Please note: there is a waiting list for this performance and the stated end time is subject to change.

The Analogues - Abbey Road/Let it Be


Koninklijk Theater Carré
Amstel 115-125
1018 EM Amsterdam
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The Beatles' Final Chord

Let It Be is the last album released by The Beatles, but not the last album The Beatles recorded. That was Abbey Road. Paul McCartney urged the band to pull out all the stops one last time, with the full involvement of 'the fifth Beatle', producer George Martin. This concluded a period of unprecedented productivity, three short years in which The Beatles made six albums that would change pop music forever.

The Analogues' meticulous reconstruction of these iconic Beatles albums received rave reviews at home and abroad. The show is part of One and One and One is Three, a trilogy in which the audience can experience the complete oeuvre from the studio years of The Beatles once again in its full scope and richness!


The Analogues - Abbey Road/Let it Be


Koninklijk Theater Carré
Amstel 115-125
1018 EM Amsterdam
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