Wait a minute (1+) - De Stilte
A world unfolds from a construction kit. A dancer moves in a white puzzle decor, where - peek-a-boo! - someone else secretly appears to be hiding. They dance around each other, watch the cat from the tree and slowly get to know each other. Wacht 's even is a wordless, playful dance performance in which a unique experience is created every time with simple means. With the beautiful piano music of Jeroen van Vliet, the strange becomes familiar in a new habitat that comes to life at eye level of the young spectators.
Wait a minute (1+) - De Stilte
How do you deal with someone who is different? Who you don't even know what kind of person they are? With movement, light and beautiful piano music, the imagination of young and old is stimulated to the max. Finally, the children are also allowed to enter the decor themselves and build abstract shapes with the puzzle decor. Wait a minute. Just stay who you are.
' Dance company de Stilte from Breda presents a unique performance that gives a new dimension to the term “for the very youngest” - BN DeStem
Dates and times
Sunday 16 February | 13:30 - 14:15 |
Sunday 16 February | 15:20 - 16:15 |