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Alternatives from the Unexpected

What does it take to change a system? GLUE in conversation with Fleur Ouwerkerk, Nora Taher, Kurina Sohn and Floor Merjenburgh.

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Alternatives from the Unexpected


Pakhuis de Zwijger
Piet Heinkade 179-181
1019 HC Amsterdam
Toon in Google Maps
Change is the word of this time, change in politics, change in behaviour, change in how we look at the world. But what is needed to change a system? Where do we start? And who starts? Alternatives from the Unexpected is the name of this talk, but also the name of the exhibition of designers that were curated to take part in GLUE 2025. Change may come from the wing beat of a butterfly, and from designers who challenge the expected. Around the table we have four designers with unexpected ideas: Fleur Ouwerkerk, Nora Taher, Kurina Sohn and Floor Merjenburgh. This programme will be broadcast live from Salto TV.


Gratis entree

Alternatives from the Unexpected


Pakhuis de Zwijger
Piet Heinkade 179-181
1019 HC Amsterdam
Toon in Google Maps