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Data and reports on the Amsterdam Area

IN Amsterdam and its partner organisations undertake regular research projects to better understand the impact and needs of internationals and international companies in the Amsterdam Area. Find facts, figures, reports and more.

Internationals in the Amsterdam Area: research and reports



Migration Monitor in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area 2023 (In Dutch, report & dashboard)



The Feeling at Home survey 2021; ICAP Amsterdam report (PDF, 2.42 MB)

Annual report on student numbers 2021; Dutch international schools (PDF, 1.1 MB)


Migration Monitor in the Metropolitan Area 2020; City of Amsterdam (in Dutch, PDF, 1.92 MB)

The housing survey 2020; ICAP Amsterdam report (PDF, 2.97 MB)

The COVID-19 survey 2020; ICAP Amsterdam report (PDF, 2.19 MB)


Decisio 2019 – Monitor internationale werknemers; International Employees Monitor (in Dutch, PDF, 1.5 MB)

Accompanying Partner Survey 2019, ICAP Amsterdam report (PDF, 1.98 MB)


Internationalisation in the Amsterdam Area 2018 – Results infographic (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Decisio 2018 – Eindrapport update regionale vraag- en aanbodanalyse internationaal onderwijs MRA; Final report update - analysis of regional supply and demand of international education in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (in Dutch, PDF, 6.3 MB)