Official expat centres in the Netherlands
11 Official expat centres
IN Amsterdam officially opened in 2008 as the first of its kind (until 8 May 2017, it was known as Expatcenter Amsterdam). It is a joint initiative of the municipalities of Amsterdam, Amstelveen and the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (later joined by Almere, Diemen, Haarlem, Haarlemmermeer, Hilversum and Velsen).
Private initiatives using the expat centre name
Please note: there are commercial parties in the market who operate under the name Expatcenter. These companies are not official expat centres (even though they may call themselves one). They are not run by a government agency, nor are they affiliated with the City of Amsterdam or the Immigration and Naturalisation Services (IND). Therefore they are not able to directly offer the expat centre Procedure or other municipal services such as municipal registration or an application for a citizen service number (burgerservicenummer, BSN).
Please contact us directly if you have any questions.
To contact one of the official, government-operated centres, please refer to the following contact list:
IN Amsterdam
- World Trade Center Amsterdam, Tower Two, first floor
- Stravinskylaan 1767, 1077 XX Amsterdam
- Website: iamsterdam.com/inamsterdam
- Phone: +31 (0)20 254 7999
- Email: welcome@amsterdam.nl
Rotterdam International Center
- Groot Handelsgebouw, PO Box 101, Weena 725, 3013 AM Rotterdam
- Website: rotterdamexpatcentre.nl
- Phone: +31 (0)10 790 0190
- Email: info@rotterdamexpatcentre.nl
The Hague International Centre
- Spui 70, 2511 BT Den Haag
- Website: thehagueinternationalcentre.nl
- Phone: +31 (0)70 353 5043
- Email: internationalcentre@denhaag.nl
Utrecht International Center
- Stadskantoor Utrecht, Stadsplateau 1, 3521 AZ Utrecht
- Website: utrechtinternationalcenter.com
- Phone: +31 (0)30 286 0000
- Email: info@utrechtinternationalcenter.com
Holland Expat Center South
- Vestdijk27a, Eindhoven / Spoorlaan 181, Tilburg / Mozartlaan 35, Breda
- Website: hollandexpatcenter.com
- Phone: +31 (0)40 238 6777
- Email: eindhoven@expatcenter.com
Expat Centre Maastricht Region
- Mosae Forum 10 (Gemeente Maastricht), 6211 DW Maastricht
- Website: expatcentremaastrichtregion.nl
- Phone:+31 (0)43 350 5010
- Email: expatcentre@maastricht.nl
Welcome Center Food Valley
- Building Plus Ultra II, Bronland 10, 6708 WH Wageningen
- Website: wcfv.nl/en/
- Phone: +31 (0)31 748 2609
- Email: info@wcfv.nl
Expat Center East Netherlands
- World Trade Center, Industrieplein 2, 7553 LL Hengelo
- Website: expatcentereastnetherlands.nl
- Phone: +31 (0)74 250 3325
- Email: info@ecen.nl
International Welcome Center North
- Gedempte Zuiderdiep 98, 9711 HL Groningen
- Website: iwcn.nl
- Phone: +31 (0)50 367 7197
- Email: info@iwcn.nl
Leiden International Centre
- Stationsweg 26, 2312 AV Leiden
- Website: leideninternationalcentre.nl
- Phone: +31 (0)71 516 6005
- Email: info@expatcentreleiden.nl
Expat Center Zeeland
- Stadhuisplein 1, 4531 GZ Terneuzen
- Website: expatcenterzeeland.com
- Phone:+31 (0)6 3908 8073
- Email: info@expatcenterzeeland.com