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Amsterdam750diner: "A Culinary Journey Through the Ages"

On 21 November, Event Culinair is hosting a unique culinary event at Het Scheepvaart Museum in Amsterdam. Amsterdam��s top chefs will prepare a seven-course menu, with each dish transporting guests to a specific period in the city's rich history. The dishes will use ingredients from that time but be presented in a modern fine-dining style. This is an evening no culinary enthusiast—especially those with a love for Amsterdam—should miss!

Amsterdam 750

Amsterdam750diner: "A Culinary Journey Through the Ages"


Het Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam
Kattenburgerplein 1
1018 KK Amsterdam
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General accessibility provisions

Present, available or allowed

  • Service dog allowed
  • Sensory experience
  • Accessible building
  • Rest areas

Part of

Amsterdam 750

On 27 October 2025, Amsterdam will be celebrating its 750th birthday. During the 12-month lead-up to this momentous milestone, the city is going all out. The festival year kicks off on 27 October 2024, filled with various activities from small neighbourhood get-togethers to major cultural events

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Amsterdam 750

Amsterdam750diner: "A Culinary Journey Through the Ages"


Het Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam
Kattenburgerplein 1
1018 KK Amsterdam
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