Climate Café at OBA Javaplein: the hopeful story!
Do you suffer from climate stress, powerlessness, anger and anxious feelings about climate change? During 24 Hours Oost we want to offer a place for meeting and how to deal with climate stress. How do you deal with climate changes? How can you be hopeful in your daily life? Interested? Everyone can come to the Climate Café at the OBA Javaplein. We will discuss each other under the guidance of climate experts!
Climate Café at OBA Javaplein: the hopeful story!
General accessibility provisions
Present, available or allowed
- Service dog allowed
- Accessible building
- Rest areas
Part of
24 Hours Oost
Whether you are creative or sporty, like music, architecture or good food and drinks, laidback or eager to learn, there is something for everyone to experience during 24H.
More informationClimate Café at OBA Javaplein: the hopeful story!
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