Fringe: Ari Teperberg - And My Heart Almost Stood Still
I stand before you with my eyes closed. The sounds you make bring me to life. Can we experience the world with utmost sensitivity so that even the slightest sensation becomes connection, communication and pleasure? Can we expand our senses together? The performance 'And My Heart Almost Stood Still' can be seen in Frascati. Please note: The end time mentioned is an indication.
Fringe: Ari Teperberg - And My Heart Almost Stood Still
And My Heart Almost Stood Still
A physical-sonic theatre piece inspired by a letter that the famous deaf-blind writer and intellectual Helen Keller sent to the New York Symphony Orchestra in 1924, describing how she 'listened' to their performance of Beethoven's 9th Symphony by simply closing the membrane of touch the radio and feel the vibrations.
The performer, as a person without limitations, limits himself in various physical ways and offers us a close-up look into his body as he tunes himself into hypersensitivity and desperately searches for an alternative language to communicate with, a nonverbal, sensory communication in which even the subtlest sensations can be full of pain, beauty, or joy.
Fringe: Ari Teperberg - And My Heart Almost Stood Still
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