Playtime 2024: Santa Cruz
New conditions apply in a place between fiction and reality. People don't exist, only something that looks like people. This film is a forgotten music video from the early 2000s set in the future. “This film is about everything, except my grandmother” I wanted to make a film about my grandmother, but then she died. A cinematic work about three generations of women and keeping your head above water. And that you can really float every now and then. Please note: the end time mentioned is an indication.
Playtime 2024: Santa Cruz
Playtime 2024
As part of Playtime 2024, mime graduation performances from the Academy of Theater and Dance can be seen every evening from Wed 17 to Sat 20 April in Frascati 2 and 4. The students participating in Playtime are: Balthazar Glotain, Annabel Koele, Estela Canal Parejo, Julius Schraven, Fran Vozila, Anou Maarsingh and Emiel Sanders. Tickets can be purchased per room and the performances can be combined.
Playtime 2024: Santa Cruz
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i hope this finds you well - Sabine Pendry

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