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Performance: 0UT SPOK3N B$Cht%% door Thais Di Marco

On 14 November, Framer‬ Framed‬ presents a‬ performance‬ ‬by Thais‬ Di‬ Marco. The performance marks the‬ end�� of‬ a‬ year-long‬ development‬ process����, in which‬ Thais has‬ been‬ engaged��� in‬‬ research��� and‬ development‬ towards‬ their‬ future‬ projects.‬ Thais now opens this experience by sharing‬ a‬ glimpse‬ of‬ their‬‬ solo performance-experiment�� 0UT‬ SPOK3N‬ B$Cht%%���.‬���‬‬‬‬‬‬���‬���������‬‬���‬‬‬‬��‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Please note this event is in English.

Free entrance

Performance: 0UT SPOK3N B$Cht%% door Thais Di Marco


Framer Framed
Oranje-Vrijstaatkade 71
1093 KS Amsterdam
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Dialogue with artists

0UT SPOK3N B$Cht%% is an experimental performance and ongoing research project that honours the contributions of Roma culture in resisting assimilation and maintaining their identity across national borders. Thais Di Marco’s research has been undertaken in dialogue with various artists of Roma descent – a collective movement of ‘ethnic coming-out’ in which the ancestral legacy of the Roma people within decolonial movements is embraced. 0UT SPOK3N B$Cht%% particularly explores the corporeality of Romani women – along with labels such as “inappropriate,” “debauched,” “dangerous�� or “outspoken”. The work delves into the concept of moral madness, a term describing the experiences of artists and activists facing oppressive structures.

Free entrance

Performance: 0UT SPOK3N B$Cht%% door Thais Di Marco


Framer Framed
Oranje-Vrijstaatkade 71
1093 KS Amsterdam
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