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Hartjesdag will return to the Zeedijk in August 2024 with a new edition. The Hartjesdag is a multi-day festival on the Zeedijk, one of the oldest streets in Amsterdam. On the third Monday in August, Hartjesdag was the carnival for Amsterdam and the surrounding area. Men dressed like women, and women wore men's clothes. It was the day that Amsterdammers went all out. Please note: Listed date and time for 2025 is subject to change.


Mon 18 Aug14:00 - 23:00
1012 AN Amsterdam

At the heart of the city

Originally a medieval national holiday, the Hartjesdag tradition has today developed a carnival personality complete with cross-dressers, a dragon dance and lots of food and drink, attracting thousands yearly for ye olde celebrations. According to local folklore, it was the only day in the medieval calendar when the regular public could hunt wild deer (harts) – a sport traditionally reserved for the nobility. This game was then roasted on big barbecues and eaten in the streets.

Medieval with a modern twist

Thankfully deer are no longer hurt in the making of Hartjesdagen, but its medieval spirit lives on in the ostentatious costumes – or rather, women dressed as men and vice versa. You could say it’s a city that likes to wear its heart right where you can see it.

The programme traditionally starts with the Nacht van de Romantiek (the Night of Romance), featuring cabaret acts and live performances at cafés in and around the Zeedijk. Entertainment on Sunday includes local bands, folk choirs and operatic performances. There's also a unique market and celebration in the evening, with food and drink served on long tables along the Zeedijk. These festivities continue throughout Monday when the glamour kings and queens truly get to shine and strut their stuff!

Visit the Hartjesdagen website (in Dutch) for more information.


Mon 18 Aug14:00 - 23:00
1012 AN Amsterdam