Sing & Play-in Women Christmas music from the 15th century
It was mainly women who performed, preserved and passed on Christmas music in the 15th century Netherlands. Music that was connected to a European network and typical Dutch Christmas carols in which Mary, the Birth, the Cradle and the Winter Cold, make the imagination of these 15th century women audible. Intimate texts about cradling, feeding and cherishing the Christ Child; loving fantasy about the housing and entourage: the Christmas music of these women sounds in the 15th century church of the Amsterdam Begijnhof as a pure, tangible and appealing Christmas story.
The Sing-& Play-in is intended to introduce you to this 15th-century repertoire, an afternoon of playing and singing from the distant legacy of 15th-century women.
What does the Zing-in entail?
You sing songs such as: Het viel een hemels deuwe uit het former women's monastery Soeterbeeck (Ms. Nijmegen IV 84, ca.1497-99); Ave Maria, maghet pia (Ms. Berlijn 190, Utrecht eo, ca. 1480) an ode in mixed language to Mary, artfully made to the melody of a Mary sequence and the top hit Verbum caro factum est ex virgine Maria that we find in all 15th century women's groups and far beyond.
Sheet music and a sound recording (if desired) will be sent digitally in advance.
The Play-in
You play Christmas carols from the women's groups that also circulated in a European network such as (ovb) Dies est leticie (ao Hs. Koning ca.1500; Żagań partbooks, ca. 1480); Mit desen niewen jare (Os. Koning) Verbum caro factum est de virgine Maria (ao Hs. Koning; Trente Codex 92, 1430-45).
Sheet music and a sound recording (if desired) will be sent digitally in advance.
At the end of the afternoon, singers and instrumentalists will perform the special Cantent epythalamium together, the opening of the Christmas cycle from Manuscript Koning (Northern Netherlands, ca. 1500).
Level Sing-in: choir singers (M/F) who would like to sing medieval music; maximum 18 choir singers. Level Play-in: (some) experience with playing polyphony in ensembles is a plus. Instruments: recorder, gamba, lute; max. 6-8 instrumentalists. Teachers Marco Magalhães (Play-in); Ita Hijmans (Sing-in)Practical & Registration. If you want to participate, register via e-mail or visit the website for all information.