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Lunar New Year

Most of the activities during Chinese New Year traditionally take place on Nieuwmarkt and Zeedijk in Amsterdam, but there are usually also festivities on Dam Square. Chinese New Year begins each year between 21 January and 20 February. In 2026, Chinese New Year falls on 17 February and celebrates the Year of the Horse. The horse is the seventh animal in the twelve-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac according to the Chinese calendar. Please note: Date en time for 2026 are to be confirmed and are subject to change.

Lunar New Year


Tue 17 Feb15:30 - 22:45


Diverse locaties / Various locations
1011 DL Amsterdam

Gong Xi Fa Cai! (Happy New Year!)

The Chinese New Year, or Lunar New Year, is the most important event in the Chinese calendar and is celebrated worldwide.

The Buddhist temple Fo Guang Shan He Hua is located in Amsterdam's Chinese Nieuwmarkt neighbourhood. The Chinese New Year celebration takes place at this Chinese temple every year. But elsewhere in the city, attention is paid to the Chinese New Year with celebrations and activities.

If you get hungry from all the spectacle, head to one of the Chinese restaurants on the Zeedijk, the floating Chinese restaurant Sea Palace on Oosterdokskade or one of the Chinese eateries on Stormsteeg or Geldersekade.

Lunar New Year


Tue 17 Feb15:30 - 22:45


Diverse locaties / Various locations
1011 DL Amsterdam