New landscapes, new roads during the National Theatre Weekend
An enchanting, dynamic performance with authentic stories of new makers around migration at ZID Theater in Amsterdam West! Discover theater like you've never experienced before!
New landscapes, new roads during the National Theatre Weekend
New talents will enchant the audience with the performance New landscapes, New roads. The makers, each participant of the FATE#4 talent development program, will share their experiences with migration in a personal way. How did they make a new house a new home, what were the stumbling blocks, and the highlights? The intimate and dynamic setting in combination with the authentic stories of these makers makes this evening one of great significance.
New landscapes, new roads during the National Theatre Weekend
Similar in Amsterdam

ZID Theater

Take a trip!
ZID Theater
Free entrance

Roots & Wings - 6 x 10 during National Theatre Weekend 2024
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ZID Theater

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ZID Theater

ZID Theater

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ZID Theater
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ZID Theater

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Tickets Available