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Punch & Judy puppet show at Rembrandtplein

The traditional story shown is a sequence of scenes played in Amsterdam for over 200 years, and it shows that Jan Klaassen clearly has similar roots as its European brothers (Pulcinella, Policinelle, Punch etc). Enjoy this traditional fairy tale puppet show during the summer every Saturday at 14:00 and 15:00 at Rembrandtplein in front of Rembrandts statue.

Free entrance

Punch & Judy puppet show at Rembrandtplein


Rembrandtplein naast het standbeeld
Rembrandtplein 1
1017 CX Amsterdam


Free entrance

Punch & Judy puppet show at Rembrandtplein


Rembrandtplein naast het standbeeld
Rembrandtplein 1
1017 CX Amsterdam
