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Image from John Gundlach | Flying Holland

North Holland boosts smart mobility with €11M investment

The Province of North Holland is allocating €11 million to smart mobility initiatives that will enhance accessibility, liveability, and road safety across the region, including the Amsterdam Region.

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Innovative smart logistics

Recently, the Province of North Holland announced funding of €11M for new smart mobility initiatives. The Netherlands is already known as a living lab when it comes to smart mobility. It has densely populated metropolitan areas with evolving mobility challenges like urban congestion, polluting emissions, and road safety. 

The €11 million investment from the Province of Noord Holland for smart mobility will focus on some of the more pressing challenges such as innovative traffic solutions, incorporating new technologies, digitalisation, automation, and data to benefit not just cars but also shipping, logistics, and cycling.

A significant portion of this initiative is dedicated to smart logistics, aimed at modernising the logistics sector to meet the rising demands for sustainability and efficiency. The province is collaborating with the smart mobility companies in the area to develop solutions that promote water freight as a viable alternative to road transport. Key strategies include preventing empty runs, consolidating goods, and utilising smart logistics hubs through advanced data exchange.

Smart mobility projects already underway

By 2030, North Holland aims to achieve a robust, reliable, and safe transport network utilising various modes of transport. The province also seeks to accelerate sustainability in freight transport to meet climate goals and ensure the development of freight transport in harmony with the physical environment. 

After the development and research, several projects are underway to support these goals, including:

  • Network Vision Logistics Hubs Project - identifies logistics hub locations and characteristics alongside potential future sites.
  • Data and Logistics project - provides essential data and indicators to assess the impact of logistics initiatives.
  • Metropolitan Hub System Project - aims to develop a dynamic timetable for water transport to optimise cargo flow.
  • Digital Waterway Project - which focuses on enhancing water transport infrastructure.

Smart mobility grows in Amsterdam

This funding is important to enhance the use of existing transportation infrastructure in Amsterdam. Modernising through innovative solutions will reduce traffic congestion, emissions, and travel times, which will, in turn, increase safety and overall travel efficiency for all. 

Amsterdam-based innovators like Roboat are leading the way when it comes to improving inland waterway mobility. They recently secured over €550K in funding to advance urban living standards by automating waterways.

These mobility initiatives along with the €11M investment marks a significant step towards making Amsterdam and the broader North Holland region more accessible and poised to meet future mobility demands. 

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