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CitiZine - Create a magazine about Oost together

What is important to you and to the city? Print it on your own shirt, contribute to the design for CitiZine or buy a product from creative artists, once fled or never. You will work on your text, drawing or photo series with activists and people committed to the solidarity city.

Free entrance

CitiZine - Create a magazine about Oost together

Sat 7 Sep10:00 - 18:00
Newest Art Organization
Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 112
1093 XZ Amsterdam

The Newest Art gallery, Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 112, will be a place where we work together. We are open from 10:00 to 18:00 to create a joint publication and collect words from the neighbourhood. We will print shirts and buy products from different makers. You will receive your own page for the (online) magazine, with topics that may be critical or that show the connection with the neighbourhood.

What is important to you in the city? What makes Oost unique? What story of solidarity do you want to tell? What do you notice in the neighbourhood? Speak out!

You will receive help from people in the Newest Art network, artists and activists, and people who are committed to the city of solidarity. At the end of the day, we have a closing exhibition and a small party, and the CitiZine is printed in the following days. This magazine will provide a snapshot of the East district, with unheard stories and relatively unknown places. The initiators of this project are artists from the networks of the Newest Art and Right to Create foundations.

Free entrance

CitiZine - Create a magazine about Oost together

Sat 7 Sep10:00 - 18:00
Newest Art Organization
Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 112
1093 XZ Amsterdam