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Music bingo Camping Zeeburg

Take a tour with campsite manager Pascal De Ghouy and discover the hidden gems of Camping Zeeburg. Learn more about the nature, biodiversity, and sustainability of this beautiful place. Followed by music bingo in the café-restaurant.

Free entrance

Music bingo Camping Zeeburg

Sat 7 Sep17:00 - 20:00
Camping Zeeburg
Zuider IJdijk 20
1095 KN Amsterdam

Camping Zeeburg

Camping Zeeburg is known for its open, tolerant and lively atmosphere. Here, you can enjoy a green oasis close to the bustling centre of Amsterdam. During the tour, you will look behind the scenes and discover how the campsite is climate-conscious and contributes to nature development.


  • 17:00, 17:40 and 18:20 - guided tours (max. 20 people)
  • 19:00 - music bingo
Free entrance

Music bingo Camping Zeeburg

Sat 7 Sep17:00 - 20:00
Camping Zeeburg
Zuider IJdijk 20
1095 KN Amsterdam