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Dive into Arabic language and culture

Have you always wanted to learn the Arabic alphabet and be able to write your name in Arabic? Join the writing workshop! A highlight of the program includes a conversation with writer Ramy El-Dardiry, who won the Bronze Owl 2023 for his debut 'Tussen morgenzee en avondland'

Amsterdam 750

Dive into Arabic language and culture

Sat 12 Oct14:00 - 16:30
Casa Sofia Slotervaart
Louis Bouwmeesterstraat 265
1065 NP Amsterdam

Arabic Alphabet Workshop

During this 1.5 hour workshop you will be introduced to the beauty of the Arabic script and take your first steps in this fascinating language.

Conversation with Ramy El-Dardiry

During this conversation you will learn more about the background, inspiration and ideas of writer Ramy El-Dardiry .

His debut novel 'Tussen morgenzee en avondland' tells the story of Amir, who discovers that his father Nessim lies buried in Alexandria. Amir tries to forget the city and his father to put down roots in the Netherlands and make a career. Yet Alexandria continues to haunt him, and as do the nightmares from a turbulent youth, in which the nationalist Egyptian government plays an important role.

In his iridescent and poetic style, El-Dardiry's novel reveals how a mixture of cultures can lead to inspiring insights.

Practical information:

  • Location: Casa Sofia Sierpleinbuurt, Louis Bouwmeesterstraat 265
  • Workshop 2:00 PM, registration via this link
  • Book review at 3:30 PM

Part of

Amsterdam 750

On 27 October 2025, Amsterdam will be celebrating its 750th birthday. During the 12-month lead-up to this momentous milestone, the city is going all out. The festival year kicks off on 27 October 2024, filled with various activities from small neighbourhood get-togethers to major cultural events

More information
Amsterdam 750

Dive into Arabic language and culture

Sat 12 Oct14:00 - 16:30
Casa Sofia Slotervaart
Louis Bouwmeesterstraat 265
1065 NP Amsterdam