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Attacca Quartet: Mixtape & Beethoven opus 131

One of today's most versatile quartets, the Attacca Quartet from the US, is coming to the Recital Hall in The Concertgebouw. Known for their ability to smoothly shift gears from old music to new, they'll play a mixtape with works by Adams, Glass, Haydn, Kahane, Shaw, and others on April 3. After the interval, they'll play one of Beethoven's most astounding creations: the Fourteenth String Quartet in C-sharp Minor, op. 131.

Attacca Quartet: Mixtape & Beethoven opus 131


Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam
Concertgebouwplein 10
1071 LN Amsterdam
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Attacca Quartet

The Grammy-winning Attacca Quartet lives in the aesthetics of the present without distancing itself from the musical past. The American group has mastered the ability to switch convincingly between repertoire from the eighteenth to the twenty-first century. This has made the quartet one of the most versatile ensembles. The Attacca Quartet is at the heart of the modern era.

Mixtape and Beethoven Opus 131

The Attacca Quartet introduces the concept of a mixtape for a selection of works with mutual coherence performed without interruption. Perhaps this way of presenting refers to the name of the quartet. Composers such as John Adams, Haydn, Caroline Shaw and Philip Glass are featured: together with others, they represent a rich range of styles. After the break, the ensemble plays one of Beethoven's most wonderful creations: the Fourteenth String Quartet in C sharp, Op. 131.


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  • Accessible building
  • Rest areas

Attacca Quartet: Mixtape & Beethoven opus 131


Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam
Concertgebouwplein 10
1071 LN Amsterdam
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