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Exodus Evenings - Global Edition

Exodus Evenings is a series of cultural evenings where the different nationalities in Amsterdam introduce themselves to their fellow Amsterdammers through inspiring stories, music, dance, poetry, theater and food.

Free entrance

Exodus Evenings - Global Edition


Ru Paré
Chris Lebeaustraat 4
1001 GC Amsterdam


Special Global Edition

In the context of the Jubilee week of 10 years Ru Paré and 20 years Samenwonen-Samenleven Exodus Evenings returns with a special global edition! An evening program with a dinner, live music, workshops and performances.

Featuring Mehmet Polat, Ussu N'djaii, Blauw Bes Band, Ibou Ndong, Maganda Dance, King Phoenix, The Forgotten Stone, Midnight Melodies Soundsystem, DJ Crazy and more!

The main program starts at 19:30 and lasts until 22:30. From 18:00 you are welcome to join us for dinner.

Free entrance

Exodus Evenings - Global Edition


Ru Paré
Chris Lebeaustraat 4
1001 GC Amsterdam
