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Jazz Café NoLIMIT

Jazz Café NoLIMIT features emerging jazz talents on stage. In September, you will hear the Pablo Nahar Quintet; in October, Daniel Dzidznou; and in November, South African Jazz Vibes.

Free entrance

Jazz Café NoLIMIT


Jazzcafé NoLIMIT
Geldershoofd 80
1103 BG Amsterdam

A place where jazz styles and crossovers come together

Diverse jazz styles and crossovers with other types of music are discussed. Established names, as well as upcoming talents, are given space.

The jazz performances have an informal character, the setting is accessible and intimate, the audience sits close to the musicians, and as much acoustic as possible is played. The performances occur in the foyer of NoLIMIT; the bar remains open, and snacks are available. If you want to know more, go to the website for all the information and the offer.

Free entrance

Jazz Café NoLIMIT


Jazzcafé NoLIMIT
Geldershoofd 80
1103 BG Amsterdam