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St. Patty's pre party | Ierse swingband Unicorn

De Groene Zwaan presents the Irish Swing Band 'Unicorn' during the St. Patty's pre-party.

St. Patty's pre party | Ierse swingband Unicorn


De Groene Zwaan
Rechtestraat 12
1483 BD De rijp
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Celtic folk and swing, with Klezmer and Bluegrass excursions

Light-headed, feet off the floor, thirsty throat ��� a Unicorn performance never leaves the audience unmoved. The stirring Celtic music of the folk band usually results in a feel-good swing party where people sing along at the top of their lungs. But don't let anyone be fooled by the seemingly careless ease with which the band presents itself on stage, behind that cheerful facade there are born musicians who have a keen sense of each other.

The drivers of the Irish folk spectacle are accordionist Martien Tijburg and guitarist John Kuiper, the duo has been the beating heart of Unicorn for 28 years. Around them, lead singers Jolanda Traarbach and singer Renske den Uil, in addition to violinists Christina Knoll and Erna Sommer, complete the team. All professionals with a conservatory background, but simply incurably affected by the Celtic folk virus. The ladies give their own unique colors to the Irish and Scottish traditionals, and switch just as easily to related genres such as Bluegrass or Yiddish fiddle music. So it will be a catchy Saturday evening with folk and fun in “de Groene Zwaan” in de Rijp. The band is also a much sought-after act internationally at summer festivals (including Norway, Germany, France, Poland).

St. Patty's pre party | Ierse swingband Unicorn


De Groene Zwaan
Rechtestraat 12
1483 BD De rijp
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