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Walking club In all weathers

Every Wednesday morning you can go out with artist and weather walker Rosalie Bak. Together we walk for an hour with our inner and outer weathers. What do you see, hear and feel? Afterwards we gather together for hot tea. 10 am, at De Lente space, of Bookstore Foundation at Diderodestraat 13 C/D

Free entrance

Walking club In all weathers


Wed 19 Mar10:00 - 11:00
Wed 26 Mar10:00 - 11:00
Wed 2 Apr10:00 - 11:00
More dates


De Lente, Bookstore foundation
Diderodestraat 13 C/D
1092 ES Amsterdam

Walking club In all weathers

Every Wednesday morning you can go out with artist and weather walker Rosalie Bak. Together we walk for an hour with the weather within and around us. What do you see, hear and feel? Afterwards we gather together for hot tea. 10 am, at De Lente space, of Bookstore Foundation at Diderodestraat 13 C/D At walking club;

Whatever the weather, we do a little bit of everything. During the walk there is room for community, silence and sensory experience. We are outside - in nature - moving, noticing and wondering. Each time an experiment or exercise is central. The walk takes about an hour and we start on time. Participation is free thanks to the support of the AFK and Bookstore Foundation.

Dates and times

Wednesday 19 March10:00 - 11:00
Wednesday 26 March10:00 - 11:00
Free entrance

Walking club In all weathers


Wed 19 Mar10:00 - 11:00
Wed 26 Mar10:00 - 11:00
Wed 2 Apr10:00 - 11:00
More dates


De Lente, Bookstore foundation
Diderodestraat 13 C/D
1092 ES Amsterdam