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Cellofest: Woodcraft

Dutch jazz competition winners in unique formation of three cello's and two violins make genre bending music with jazz, folk and classical influences.

Cellofest: Woodcraft


Piet Heinkade 3
1019 BR Amsterdam
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The five friends of Woodcraft do things a bit differently, but manage to make their way sound like the only way. Driven by a classical basis with a unique combination of three cellos and two violins, this string quintet creates music that weaves together jazz, folk and classical influences. After appearing at the Cello Bi��nnale in pre-concerts and late night programmes, they will now be centre stage at BIMHUIS, where they won the jury and audience awards in 2022 at the Dutch Jazz Competition.


Cellofest: Woodcraft


Piet Heinkade 3
1019 BR Amsterdam
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