In What We Trust - I Solisti & Vlaams Radiokoor
What will the world of tomorrow look like? What do faith and meaning mean today? These are hot topics now that our future is under pressure from all sides. The wind players of I Solisti, regular guests at the Muziekgebouw, will present a programme on contemporary questions together with the Flemish Radio Choir. In addition to the irresistibly grand 'Mass in E' by Anton Bruckner – a deeply religious man – a new work by Frederik Neyrinck, artist in residence of I Solisti, will be heard. Poet Maud Vanhauwaert guarantees a compelling script.
In What We Trust - I Solisti & Vlaams Radiokoor
Ideas and ideals
For this project, the makers interview 14-year-olds from different cultures about their ideas and ideals. How do they see the future? What do they want to live for? What do they believe in? Maud Vanhauwaert writes her text based on these conversations. Composer Neyrinck was born in Belgium but lives in Vienna, where tradition permeates his work. This makes him the ideal composer for this imaginative double bill, in which images are also projected.
In What We Trust - I Solisti & Vlaams Radiokoor
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