Theater na de Dam: Proud to be Roma – Ethnic coming out
This year, ZID Theater is once again participating in Theater na de Dam, which was created to add even more meaning to the national commemoration of death on May 4. Every year more than one hundred and thirty performances take place simultaneously, each in their own way relating to the Second World War and ZID Theater is proud to participate in this.
Theater na de Dam: Proud to be Roma – Ethnic coming out
Proud to be Roma
In the evening, the performance Proud to be Roma – Ethnic Coming Out by Yacka collective – young European Roma and Sinti artists led by activist, theater maker and dancer Ivana Nikolić will be shown at ZID Theater. The group of makers are deliberately committed to giving a positive voice to young makers with a Roma and Sinti background, and to stand for positive representation of Roma and Sinti art and culture. The performance takes you into the experiences of Ivana's grandmother, who was a well-known resistance fighter in the former Yugoslavia, with moving stories about discrimination and exclusion, infused with memories of the Second World War, mixed with beautiful dance and music.
Proud to be Roma raises a critical question: Why is so little attention systematically paid to the suffering of Roma and Sinti during the Second World War in most European countries? Why is their history not highlighted?
After the performance there will be a Meet the Artist and a discussion, during which the makers share insights about their creative process and personal stories
Theater na de Dam: Proud to be Roma – Ethnic coming out
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