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Tour of Java Island: From Perron Oost to the Kop van Java

Walk with one of the quartermasters of the new National Slavery Museum, which will open on Java Island in 2030. Learn more about slavery and colonialism and discover the stories behind the facades, street names and the old breakwater in the middle of the IJ.

Free entrance

Tour of Java Island: From Perron Oost to the Kop van Java

Sat 7 Sep11:00 - 14:00
Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam
Javakade 766
1019 SH Amsterdam

Island full of history

Take a deep breath on an old breakwater. Feast your eyes and listen to stories about the influence of overseas colonial trade on the origins of Java Island. Where do the names of this neighbourhood come from? What was life like on the other side of the sea? And how did the new buildings and the old warehouses and warehouses come about?

About the National Slavery Museum

In the history of Amsterdam, seafaring, trade and colonial coercion are deeply intertwined. The new National Slavery Museum adds colour to that history. It highlights the history of Dutch slavery and the colonial ties between people and countries.

The walk from Perron Oost to the Kop van Java is part of the start-up program of the yet-to-open National Slavery Museum. Discover how colonial times shaped Amsterdam and this part of the city.

Free entrance

Tour of Java Island: From Perron Oost to the Kop van Java

Sat 7 Sep11:00 - 14:00
Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam
Javakade 766
1019 SH Amsterdam