The Great Pianists in the Kleine Zaal: Tom Borrow with Bach, Schumann and Liszt
For the second time, Tom Borrow is our guest in the Kleine Zaal. He will play, among other things, the Fantasy, op. 17 by the young Schumann, dedicated to Liszt. Various arrangements of works by Schubert and Schumann will be heard by Liszt himself. Arrangements of works by Bach complete this recital.
The Great Pianists in the Kleine Zaal: Tom Borrow with Bach, Schumann and Liszt
Tom Borrow
Imagine being called to replace a colleague, not just anyone, but the pianist Khatia Buniatishvili. At the last minute, with 36 hours left before the concert... Tom Borrow said yes, and played Ravel's virtuoso Piano Concerto in G with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. Borrow proved himself as a concert pianist at the age of eighteen. He was named BBC New Generation Artist 2021-2023. He can count Murray Perahia among his mentors. Today Tom Borrow is our guest in the Kleine Zaal for the second time.
Robert Schumann
The young Schumann was more of a dreamer than a doer, although he had written a series of entirely original piano works. One of these, the Fantasie , Op. 17 of 1838, dedicated to Liszt, was called by Robert in a letter to Clara "a lament for you." Two years later, Clara came of age and they were married. Franz Liszt never performed the Fantasie in public; he did, however, go through it with his students. Clara herself did not play the Fantasie until after Robert's death.
General accessibility provisions
Present, available or allowed
- Service dog allowed
- Personal assistant
- Sensory experience
- Accessible building
- Rest areas
The Great Pianists in the Kleine Zaal: Tom Borrow with Bach, Schumann and Liszt
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