“Interwoven" is a group exhibition that explores the connections between the Dutch and Ukrainians. The exhibition showcases the work of 14 contemporary artists from both countries and their diverse individual and collective practices, united by common threads. The exhebition will run on February 20-27 in Vrij Paleis Amsterdam.
Through personal artworks and cross-cultural collaborations "Interwoven" explores the enriching and challenging ties that bind people and cultures. It showcases a curated collection of thought-provoking art pieces, including paintings, installations, photography, and audio-visual work. This artwork—moving and sometimes ironic—invites visitors to contemplate the far-reaching impact of war and reflect on their own experiences of conflict, both on a global scale and within their own lives.
"Interwoven" is a gathering place for sharing stories and connecting with others. Along with the artwork, we've planned a program of activities to help you dive deeper into the ideas behind the art. These events are free for everyone, so come and join the conversation!
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